D-Link Awarded by TWSE and TPEx as Top 5% in Corporate Governance Evaluation Achievements

D-Link Corporation (TWSE: 2332), a global leader in networking solutions, was awarded by the Taiwan Stock Exchange and Taipei Exchange at the “10th Corporate Governance Evaluation Awards Ceremony” today. D-Link scored 106 points, making its debut in the top 5% of listed companies as the only newcomer in the networking industry to achieve this distinction, demonstrating its exceptional corporate governance capabilities. D-Link’s Chairman, Victor Kuo, personally attended the ceremony to receive the award, attributing this honor to the collective efforts of all employees. This achievement not only recognizes the company’s continuous efforts in governance but also marks a new milestone in sustainable corporate growth.

Since 2023, D-Link has actively participated in various sustainability awards, garnering numerous significant accolades and high evaluations. These include recognition as one of the “Top 100 Carbon Competitive Companies” by Business Weekly, “Top 100 Exemplary Companies in Taiwan” and “Platinum Award for Sustainability Reports” by the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards. Additionally, D-Link achieved a breakthrough in the latest Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) by S&P Global, ranking among the top five global communication equipment companies. These honors highlight D-Link’s leadership in corporate sustainability and the global smart networking equipment sector.

Furthermore, D-Link has made significant progress in the latest ESG risk assessment by the authoritative international body, Sustainalytics. The company’s global ranking improved to the top 5%, with its ranking in the technology hardware industry rising from the top 17% to the top 14%. The substantial decline in carbon emission intensity indicates D-Link’s effective ESG risk management and carbon footprint reduction efforts. Recently, the company also received the “1.5°C Climate Action Award” from Commonwealth Magazine, further affirming its exceptional commitment to energy conservation, carbon reduction, and sustainable operations.

In environmental protection, D-Link launched its first green product made from post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastics—the AQUILA PRO AI series—in 2023 and continues to develop green products. Operationally, through energy-saving projects and employee advocacy, D-Link reduced purchased electricity by 5.47% annually, a 13.51% reduction from the baseline year. In 2023, the company initiated a green energy procurement plan, sourcing 6,000 kWh of green electricity. D-Link is committed to protecting biodiversity and adhering to a zero-deforestation policy while actively fostering environmental literacy among employees. Moving forward, D-Link will continue to implement energy-saving projects, participate in sustainability initiatives, and drive supply chain decarbonization to fulfill its environmental commitments and goals.

In terms of social responsibility, D-Link is dedicated to creating a friendly and happy working environment, promoting a diverse, equitable, and inclusive (DEI) workplace culture that respects and includes all employees. The company offers competitive salaries and benefits, actively promotes pay equity, and has increased the proportion of female managers to nearly 60%. Additionally, D-Link employs professional massage therapists with disabilities, with all proceeds donated to social welfare organizations. The company also advocates for a healthy workplace, sponsoring the Tainan Steel Falcon basketball team and the Tainan Steel Eagle baseball team to promote employee wellness, earning the ” Taiwan i Sports” certification from the Ministry of Education. In 2023, D-Link significantly increased its social participation, collaborating with 32 charitable partners and investing over 5 million NTD, more than double the previous year’s amount, benefiting 9,351 individuals through 30 social engagement projects.

Victor Kuo emphasized that strengthening corporate governance is crucial for achieving sustainable growth. In 2022, the company initiated a project to complete an external performance evaluation of the board of directors. In 2023, during the election of the 13th board of directors, a female director was appointed to promote gender equality and diversity, with the goal of continuously increasing the proportion of female directors. Additionally, D-Link is actively implementing the Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System(TIPS),developing intellectual property management plans aligned with business goals to enhance the brand’s competitiveness in the global market.

Based on the “Corporate Governance 3.0 – Sustainable Development Blueprint,” D-Link is committed to sustainable development through a global layout and localized practices, continually striving for excellence in corporate governance. The company has established a Corporate Sustainability Development Committee that regularly reports to the board of directors. The board oversees the setting, implementation, and review of short-, medium-, and long-term ESG strategic goals. Since the 13th board of directors in 2023, D-Link has introduced a “Directors’ Handbook” covering company business, industry dynamics, legal regulations, directors’ rights and responsibilities, and other information to ensure directors fully understand the company’s operations. ESG-related information and trends are also compiled for reference.

Victor Kuo concluded that D-Link will continue to leverage leading technology and excellent governance to create greater value for customers, shareholders, and society, realizing the vision of a smarter life.