Supply Chain Management

Suppliers are the driving force behind D-Link’s competitive edge. By implementing due diligence, D-Link leverages its market influence to enhance the sustainable value of the overall industry chain and continuously improve the value chain management strategies of its upstream and downstream partners. Through long-term and stable collaboration, D-Link reduces operational risks and costs, continuously providing reliable and high-quality products and services to customers and achieving sustainable supply chain management.


Supply Chain System 

D-Link supplier classification:

General Administrative and General Affairs 
Building maintenance, office requirements, etc. 
Product Procurement 
Procurement of wireless network devices, commercial network devices, commercial cloud network devices, home network devices and other networking products from various suppliers, which are sold to the customers. Because the administrative and general procurement amounts are smaller, the items are more varied, the procurement times are not fixed, and the suppliers change, therefore the following supply chain management measures are mainly for product procurement suppliers.

Supply Chain Management Policy

Apart from providing high-quality products and services, D-Link hopes that suppliers can also focus more on social and environmental values and actively implement energy conservation and environmental protection. D-Link views suppliers as important partners for long-term development and growth. We uphold the principle of mutual benefit and co-prosperity with suppliers to promote sustainable operations together.
D-Link uses the management standards for supplier quality, costs, delivery dates, and services as the management basis and refers to the requirements of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct. We have expanded the scope of supplier management to include ESG issues such as environmental sustainability and social inclusion, which include labor rights, environmental protection, health and safety, ethics and management system, etc. These issues have been listed as supplier selection and auditing conditions and used to establish the risk management items. Improvement measures are subsequently formulated according to the evaluation results to help suppliers continue to improve. We aim to enhance sustainable supply chain management and reduce supply chain operational risks, in order to establish partnerships for sustainable growth.In addition, we also regularly investigate the ESG behavior of our suppliers through the “ESG Implementation Self-Assessment Form”, and thereby encourage suppliers to publicly disclose relevant performance on a regular basis, thereby driving the sustainable development of the entire value chain.
To establish the capabilities of sustainable supply chain members, D-Link executes management from the four aspects of evaluation, counseling, communication, and collaboration. The execution process corresponds to the supply chain management structure to ensure that the implementation of important issues in the supply chain management structure can be managed.
  • Evaluation: Qualification evaluation for new suppliers, tier 1 key supplier selection, and management system risk evaluation (quality, environment, social ethics, etc.)
  • Counseling: Regular supplier evaluations, tracking of deficiency improvements, promotion of policies and projects
  • Communication: Regular/irregular quality meetings, quarterly operational meetings
  • Collaboration: Continue to promote projects, enhance sustainable operation competency of suppliers

Supplier Risk Grading Assessment and Integrity

D-Link offers a diverse line of products. In 2023, 34 suppliers have been registered in the Company’s qualified suppliers list. Despite no new suppliers added in the past 3 years, D-Link strives for excellence, so the Company seized the opportunity to deepen its relationships with existing suppliers and local suppliers.
The number of suppliers and the scale of cooperation often increase or decrease due to business growth and decline. In addition to conducting sustainable development issue surveys for new suppliers, D-Link also conducts a risk assessment and classification. Different audit strategies are regularly formulated for the different levels of risk to eliminate systematic risk.





Number of New Suppliers

to Apply




Number of Suppliers to

Pass the Onsite Audit




Percentage of New Suppliers

to Pass the Audit




New Suppliers
In order to assess whether suppliers can produce products that meet the company’s quality requirements, provide stable material quality, and ensure supply, new suppliers must have ISO 9001 quality management system certification and meet the environmental management substance requirements. We also encourage suppliers to pass the ISO 14001 environmental management system certification. Furthermore, suppliers must sign the procurement contract, Integrity and Anti-corruption Pledge, and Conflict Minerals Declaration. The suppliers must undergo onsite audits for procurement, quality, technology, hazardous substance management environment, and social ethics before they can be registered as an official supplier of D-Link.

Existing Suppliers
D-Link conducts hierarchical management for qualified and continued suppliers:

Supplier Selection Tiers

Tier Standards

Management Approaches

Tier 1 (class A)

- The total shipment volume in the previous year or the procurement amount proportion ranks in the top 80%

- Major (entire batch) abnormalities with shipment quality

- All new suppliers are included

Onsite audits are conducted in the first half and second half of each year

Tier 2 (class B)

The total shipment volume or annual procurement amount in the previous year is increased to 90%

Conduct one onsite audit every year

Tier 3 (class C)

The total annual shipment volume or annual procurement amount is < 1%

If the supplier adopts self-management, if the supplier violates legal regulations or ESG-related clauses, the supplier will not be selected

D-Link formulates the tier 1 key supplier list every year according to the above-mentioned principles. We implement the annual quality management system, the environmental safety and health or labor integrity audits and promote improvements. Furthermore, we follow the evaluation results to identify the risk levels of tier 1 key suppliers in order to formulate subsequent counseling plans.
Follow-up Process for Suppliers Participating in the Evaluation
D-Link requires the suppliers to prepare the internal improvement programs and respond as soon as possible after receiving the on-site audit report if there are any deficiency, and provide specific improvement plans based on the actual situation of the factory. If there are serious quality abnormalities during shipment, meetings must be held with the manufacturer to confirm the cause and discuss solutions; subsequently, dedicated personnel will review the supplier’s audit improvement report and continue to track the improvement progress to ensure the continuation and completion of the improvement plan.
The key supplier evaluation in 2023 discovered 125 deficiencies in terms of the quality system, which were mostly management system and operational negligence. In terms of health and safety, environment, labor, supply chain, and ethics, 12 deficiencies were discovered, which were mainly related to management systems and overtime.

Supplier Code of Conduct

In order to ensure a safe working environment, dignity and equal treatment of workers, and environmental protection and ethical conduct in the supply chain of D-Link, the Company formulates the “Supplier Code of Conduct” in accordance with the “D-Link Sustainable Procurement Policy”, which requires suppliers to comply with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which they operate, and also complies with the requirements of this Code, and encourages suppliers to require their suppliers, contractors and service providers to agree and adopt this Code. Please refer to the link for details : D-Link Supplier Code of Conduct
The provisions of this Code are based on the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct, with reference to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Work) and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
This Code covers the following standards of conduct.
Human Rights and Labor Forced Labor and Child Labor
Working conditions (e.g., working hours, physical/mental needs of the workplace, wages, benefits)
Occupational Health and Safety, Discrimination and Harassment
Freedom of association and collective bargaining
Environment Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption
Pollution prevention and waste management
Resource efficiency
biodiversity, no deforestation or land conservation
Business ethics Business ethics, anti-corruption, conflict of interest
D-Link products strictly comply with local laws and regulations, and the products produced by our suppliers are sold to the EU and their products must comply with local EU regulations, such as RoHS, WEEE and REACH commitment…,D-Link pays attention to the conflict mineral issues and requires suppliers to sign the “Conflict Minerals Due Diligence Statement” to prevent the procurement of minerals from conflict mining areas. We also require all suppliers to sign the “Conflict Minerals Declaration” to ensure that the metals in the supply chain, such as gold (Au), tantalum (Ta), tungsten (W), tin (Sn), cobalt (Co), and mica, were not procured from mines in conflict areas operated by non-government armies or illegal groups, or not procured through illegal smuggling.
D-Link requires suppliers to commit to the following:
  • Do not purchase conflict minerals from conflict areas.
  • Refuse to use conflict minerals from conflict areas and sign the “Conflict Minerals Declaration”.
  • Manage the supplier’s upstream and downstream suppliers and comply with the requirement of no conflict minerals.
  • Suppliers are required to commit to becoming long-term partners of D-Link Technology and disclose their partner smelting plants and mines in detail, in order to comply with the RBA Code of Conduct and fulfill our social responsibilities together. If the information provided is found to be untrue after verification, the supplier shall assume all legal responsibilities and compensation within the attributable scope.encourages major suppliers to develop materials and processes that mitigate environmental impact, or to save energy and reduce carbon emissions from process utilities, and actively participate in the disclosure and verification of Scope 1 and Scope 2 coverage of the GHG Agreement.




All suppliers




Main suppliers




Number of main suppliers conducting RBA/CMA audits




Proportion of main suppliers conducting RBA/CMA audits




Number of high-risk suppliers




Percentage of suppliers in high-risk suppliers conducting RBA/CMA audits

Definition of main suppliers: the supplier with an overall delivery volume greater than 85%

Definition of high risk: Manufacturers seriously violating the regulations are high-risk suppliers

Not yet audited by a third party

Local Procurement

In response to its operational strategy, D-Link actively increases the proportion of MIT (Made in Taiwan) procurement in the local market. Although some products with a low proportion of procurement volume in 2022 no longer have local procurement demand, the proportion of local procurement amount has increased by more than twice compared to the previous year, and will be increased year by year in the future.

Overview of Main Suppliers

D-Link’s products have been outsourced to suppliers for production since it cancels the OEM and manufacturing department in 2003. At present, there are a total of 9 main suppliers that produce D-Link products through OEM, accounting for over 85% of the procurement amount in 2022. D-Link does not have a production department. Calculated based on the four main suppliers who accounted for over 50% of D-Link’s total procurement in 2022 and the number of products produced, the total manufacturing area is approximately 475,000 square feet.
Ratio of Successful Supplier Shipments in the Past 3 Years





Order Fulfillment rate




Time to confirm delivery schedule




Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management