Material Issues

Material Issues

Identification Procedure for Material Topics

D-Link analyzes global trends, collects sustainable issues concerned by stakeholders, identifies stakeholders by the GRI General Guidelines 2021 and the AA 1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard, and further evaluates the significance of the economic, environmental, social, and human rights impacts of these, as the basis for information disclosure in the annual sustainable report and the basis for planning of sustainable development strategy.

Material Topics Analysis Results in 2022

In response to significant concerns raised by stakeholders, the company has progressively incorporated corporate sustainability and major issues into the performance assessment of senior executives starting in 2022. These factors serve as reference criteria for variable bonuses or employee rewards. Specifically, the performance of the General Manager is linked to corporate governance, climate change, and risk management, while the CEO’s performance is tied to corporate governance, climate change, and greenhouse gas management. Furthermore, the company has planned to include annual major issues in the performance assessment of senior executives starting in 2023.
The ESG Committee conducted an analysis based on the principle of materiality outlined in the sustainability report. After evaluating the significant topics, they formulated the relevant management policies as shown in the “ESG Risk Assessment and Management Approach“. The report was presented to the Board of Directors on May 10, 2023.