Stakeholder Engagement and Communication

Stakeholder Engagement and Communication

Description of Stakeholder Identification

To present stakeholders sufficiently representative of their categories, D-Link refers to the five attributes of the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard 2015 to identify stakeholders: dependency, influence, tension, responsibility, and diverse perspectives. After identification, five categories of stakeholders are selected based on their importance: Customers/ Clients, employees, suppliers/business partners, investors/shareholders, and subsidiaries. The company regularly reviews the results of stakeholder engagement each year.


The ESG Office reports the communication results annually to the ESG Committee. On November 14th, the ESG Committee and the Board of Directors received the communication results for 2023.

Customers/ Clients


Suppliers/ Business Partners

Investors/ Shareholders


Stakeholder Communication

Customers/ Clients 

Customer trust is the key to evaluating whether D-Link has genuinely grasped technological trends, the driving force behind our quality, technological improvements, and our sustainable developments.
Main Issues of Concern
Channels / Frequency of Communication
  • Governance and Ethical Management 
  • Innovation and R&D
  • Product Quality
  • Information Security 
  • Customer Relationship
  • Social Engagement
  • International exhibitions and product conferences: At least once a year 
  • Customer satisfaction surveys: Surveys will be conducted immediately after the resolution of customer service cases. 
  • Meetings related to specific issues: Aperiodically 
  • Customer visits: Aperiodically 
  • Repair center and after-sales services: Aperiodically 
  • Company website: Respond immediately to customer questions in the visitor comment section
Communication Results in 2023
  • Participated in a total of 3 international trade shows:MWC、Taiwan Excellence Weekender、Taiwan Expo in India.
  • Held a player product experience briefing session in Q2.
  • Organized a total of 7 online interactive events for products in the second half of the year.
  • The average customer satisfaction score in Taiwan is 98 points, whereas the global average is 86 points.
  • Received a total of 11,054 inquiries from the customer service hotline and all of them have been replied to.
  • Received a total of 1,891 inquiries from the company website visitor message area and all of them have been replied to.


Employees are invaluable assets for sustainable corporate development. D-Link respects, cares for, and looks after our employees, attracts outstanding talents to join us, and encourages them to fulfill their potential to create future developments together with us.
Main Issues of Concern
Channels / Frequency of Communication
  • Business Performance
  • Sustainable Development Strategy
  • Governance and Ethical Management
  • Risk Management
  •  Talent Selection, Utilization, Education, and Retention
  • Labor Pension Supervisory Committee: Quarterly 
  • Labor-management conference: Quarterly 
  • Employee Welfare Committee: At least once every quarter 
  • Educational training (external training, on-the-job training, and self-development): Held according to annual plan. 
  • Employee satisfaction and engagement survey: Annually 
  • Phone hotline and email: Available for inquiries at any time. 
  • Club activities: Aperiodically 
  • Appointment with supervisor: Aperiodically
Communication Results in 2023
  • Held 4 Labor Pension Supervisory Committee meetings. (January 11, April 6, August 16, and November 15) 
  • Held 4 labor-management meetings. (March 22, June 14, September 12, and December 20) 
  • Held 5 employee welfare committee meetings. (January 9, April 18, July 20, August 15, and December 19)  
  • A total of 25,961 video broadcasts of corporate sustainable development advocacy in the public space on the first floor of the headquarter building.
  • Conducted mandatory courses for new employees on human rights, integrity management, gender equality, intellectual property, and personal information, with a completion rate of 98.79%.
  • Held a total of 211 training sessions with 6,949 participants for 9,128.7 hours.    
  • The employee satisfaction survey was launched and completed in December 2023. The completed response rate was 72.1%, and the effective response rate was 66.0%.  
  • There is a special channel for employee complaints and workplace sexual harassment complaints; there were 0 complaints in 2023.  
  • There are currently 14 employee clubs with 763 participants in 425 events throughout the year.
  • Organized 11 sessions of “Appointment with Supervisor” events, with a total of 18 employees participating.

Suppliers/ Business Partners

Suppliers are the driving force behind D-Link’s competitiveness. Long-term and stable cooperation can reduce operational risks and costs. We are able to continuously provide customers with reliable and high-quality products and services to realize sustainable supply chain management.
Main Issues of Concern
Channels / Frequency of Communication
  • Business Performance
  • Product Quality  
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Sustainable Development Strategy
  • Governance and Ethical Management 
  • Green Products
  • Risk Management
  • Climate Change Adaptation Actions
  • Delivery date response system: Daily  
  • Supplier audits: Annually  
  • Quality anomalies tracking and review meetings:  Weekly 
  • Production and sales meetings (manufacturer communication and review meetings): Weekly/monthly 
  • Supplier questionnaire survey (integrity management/conflict minerals): Aperiodically 
Communication Results in 2023
  • Check the order response system daily and respond to any changes in the supplier’s delivery time in a timely manner. 
  • Conducted audits on D-Link’s 7 major suppliers, with a completion rate of 100%. 
  • Tracked the progress of improving quality anomalies with major suppliers every week. 
  • Held regular (weekly/ monthly) production and sales meetings with different suppliers to communicate customer order requirements, review production capacity,  material conditions, and meet resolutions to achieve the best delivery schedule. 
  • Completed the integrity management and conflict minerals questionnaire surveys on D-Link’s 34 suppliers.

Investors/ Shareholders

Investors are a significant financial resource of D-Link. Sustainable management can be achieved through capital investments and corporate governance supervision.
Main Issues of Concern
Channels / Frequency of Communication
  • Business Performance
  • Innovation and R&D
  • Sustainable Development Strategy
  • Governance and Ethical Management 
  • Risk Management
  • Shareholders’ Meeting: Annually 
  • Investor Conference: At least once a year 
  • Public information observation station announcement: Aperiodically 
  • “Investor Section” of D-Link website: Disclosed at any time 
  • Investor mailbox and phone hotline: Handled at any time 
  • Corporate governance evaluation: Annually 
Communication Results in 2023
  • Held one shareholders’ meeting (May 31).  
  • Held two investor conferences (February 23 and May 29).  
  • The Market Observation Post System released 36 major messages in Chinese and English.  
  • Immediate update to the “Investor Relations” section on the company website so our investors can access the latest information in real time.  
  • Received and replied to 218 inquiries from the investor relations mailbox and phone hotline.  
  • The evaluation results of the annual corporate governance indicators were released in April 2024.


Main Issues of Concern
Channels / Frequency of Communication
  • Innovation and R&D
  • Business Performance
  • Product Quality
  • Information Security
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Green Products
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Climate Change Adaptation Actions
  • Email: multiple times a day depending on business needs
  • Instant messaging/online meeting: multiple times a day depending on business needs
  • Performance Review Meeting: Monthly/Quarterly
Communication Results in 2023
  • In the Pan-European region, 5 quarterly performance review meetings are held each season, totaling 20 meetings. In Russia, meetings are held monthly, totaling 12 meetings.
  • In the Pan-American region, 1 monthly performance review meeting is held each month, totaling 24 meetings. In North America, meetings are held weekly, totaling 42 meetings.
  • In the Pan-Asia-Pacific region, 1 quarterly performance review meetings are held each season, totaling 28 meetings. DIN, DCN, and DKH are held irregularly.
  • Deliver the latest marketing information from headquarters via email every week.