Supplier Code of Conduct

Supplier Code of Conduct

D-Link has formulated relevant CSR articles in official supply chain contracts and has asked all suppliers to comply with these clauses. We expect to enhance suppliers’ awareness and practice of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and establish a sustainable supply chain.

Article 22

Article 23

Article 26

Article 27

Corporate Social Responsibility

Anti-terrorism Measures

Labor Safety

Prohibited Materials

Suppliers must abide by relevant CSR norms and laws ensure the highest level of business ethics. D-Link will conduct annual or irregular CSR audits.

Suppliers must comply with anti-terrorism measures and relevant rules of U.S. C-TPAT or WCO-accredited anti-terrorism measures and regulations administered by foreign customs.

Suppliers must not hire child labor and must abide by local relevant labor legislation.

Suppliers must guarantee that their products and production process follow the EU RoHS Directives and the hazardous substance management standard announced by D-Link, without any toxic chemicals or materials being banned by other international environmental protection laws and regulations.

Supplier Code of Conduct

In order to ensure a safe working environment, dignity and equal treatment of workers, and environmental protection and ethical conduct in the supply chain of D-Link, the Company formulates the “Supplier Code of Conduct” in accordance with the “D-Link Sustainable Procurement Policy”, which requires suppliers to comply with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which they operate, and also complies with the requirements of this Code, and encourages suppliers to require their suppliers, contractors and service providers to agree and adopt this Code. Please refer to the link for details : D-Link Supplier Code of Conduct


The provisions of this Code are based on the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct, with reference to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Work) and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


This Code covers the following standards of conduct.
Human Rights and LaborForced Labor and Child Labor
Working conditions (e.g., working hours, physical/mental needs of the workplace, wages, benefits)
Occupational Health and Safety, Discrimination and Harassment
Freedom of association and collective bargaining
EnvironmentGreenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption
Pollution prevention and waste management
Resource efficiency
biodiversity, no deforestation or land conservation
Business ethicsBusiness ethics, anti-corruption, conflict of interest

Conflict Minerals Due Diligence Statement

D-Link products strictly comply with local laws and regulations, and the products produced by our suppliers are sold to the EU and their products must comply with local EU regulations, such as RoHS, WEEE and REACH commitment…,D-Link pays attention to the conflict mineral issues and requires suppliers to sign the “Conflict Minerals Due Diligence Statement” to prevent the procurement of minerals from conflict mining areas. We also require all suppliers to sign the “Conflict Minerals Declaration” to ensure that the metals in the supply chain, such as gold (Au), tantalum (Ta), tungsten (W), tin (Sn), cobalt (Co), and mica, were not procured from mines in conflict areas operated by non-government armies or illegal groups, or not procured through illegal smuggling.
D-Link requires suppliers to commit to the following:
  • Do not purchase conflict minerals from conflict areas.
  • Refuse to use conflict minerals from conflict areas and sign the “Conflict Minerals Declaration”.
  • Manage the supplier’s upstream and downstream suppliers and comply with the requirement of no conflict minerals.
  • Suppliers are required to commit to becoming long-term partners of D-Link Technology and disclose their partner smelting plants and mines in detail, in order to comply with the RBA Code of Conduct and fulfill our social responsibilities together. If the information provided is found to be untrue after verification, the supplier shall assume all legal responsibilities and compensation within the attributable scope.

Integrity Commitment

Apart from the supplier’s products and labor tangibly affecting the Company’s products, services, and operations, the supplier’s sustainable actions will also indirectly impact the Company’s intangible reputation and brand value, or become potential risks. Therefore, in terms of ethical management, D-Link required all suppliers to sign the “integrity commitment letter” in 2023. The suppliers and employees are required not to engage in any bribery, provide undue advantages, or seek to benefit D-Link employees or their associates directly or indirectly in order to achieve transactional goals or to execute contracts. If any supplier is found to engage in unlawful behavior, the contract may be immediately terminated.