Message from the Chairman

Message from the Chairman

In February of this year, I led a team to attend MWC Barcelona in Spain. Over the course of a few days, what impressed me the most was not the plethora of new technological applications showcased at the venue, but the city itself. Whether it was the spacious pedestrian space, bustling business activities, vast expanse of greenery, or the absence of air pollution associated with endless traffic, every day the commute to the exhibition hall kept me excited because I could truly appreciate the harmonious coexistence between residents, the economy, and the environment of the pedestrian paradise. This is the “Superblocks”, brainchild of the local government, and an exemplar of a meticulously planned sustainable metropolis.


It got me thinking that, as a global leading brand in network communication, does D-Link have the opportunity to bring about similar moving sentiments to its stakeholders while diligently pursuing ESG, brand, and corporate sustainability?


In 2023, we were more focused on the connection between public welfare and core functions, giving priority to Taipei City and New Taipei City. A total of 30 “More Local, More Public Welfare” social engagement projects with distinct themes and objectives were planned. Resources and manpower were invested directly to build a more robust mutual trust and interdependent relationship with society and communities. This helped us fulfill our corporate social responsibilities and shape a culture of common good. Furthermore, we are conscious that D-Link operates in the knowledge-intensive technology industry, and that talent resources are crucial to the competitiveness of our products and services. Coupled with the Company’s presence in the global market and organizational scale, it is our responsibility to cultivate key talents for the industry. Therefore, we have established the “Overseas Talent Pool Office” to train reserve talents in overseas operational management. Building on the foundation of the Company’s vision, values, and strategies, we aim to create an education and training system for the purposes of comprehensive learning. At the same time, potential talents are recruited through various campus collaboration programs using competitive remuneration and benefits, thereby allowing outstanding talents to continue growing with the Company.


In terms of the environment, it is evident that climate change and carbon management issues are the most pressing and important environmental agendas of our time. This is evidenced by the intensifying regulatory pressure from multinational organizations and governments around the world. D-Link is aware that we should vigorously influence stakeholders by applying our market resources and impact, in turn facilitating a low-carbon transformation across the value chain. Therefore, we have unveiled the first green product manufactured with post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic and started utilizing packaging bags made of PCR plastic. Additionally, we also launched the green energy procurement project, coupled with our longstanding energy-saving programs and internal promotions. As a result, D-Link’s purchased electricity and carbon emissions are exhibiting a gradual decline year by year, putting us firmly on the path towards Net Zero in 2050. Being included in Business Week’s “Carbon Competitiveness 100” is a tremendous honor that recognizes the efforts of the team.


Meanwhile, a female director was elected at the annual Board reelection along with directors who possess a wealth of professional knowledge and management experience in fields such as AI innovation, cloud, and communication, thereby bolstering the diversity of the Board of Directors. Moreover, we have formed a talent selection mechanism in accordance with the “Succession Planning for Senior Manager” approved by the Board of Directors to identify potential successors for key management positions. Subsequently, the Company has created a leadership pipeline to enhance corporate governance and operational performance. In terms of supply chain management, D-Link also implemented a new Sustainable Procurement Policy and Supplier Code of Conduct. Through comprehensive systems and concerted efforts, the aim is to optimize ESG management throughout the supply chain.


In 2023, D-Link adopted a dual-axis transformation by leveraging digital technology innovation and practicing ESG to generate new growth momentum and sustainable values. Besides impressing judges of professional awards such as the Good Design Award and the Taiwan Excellence Award, the Company was bestowed the honor of being recognized as one of the “Top 100 Sustainable Exemplary Enterprises in Taiwan” for its first participation in the TCSA Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards. Winning the award is a tremendous encouragement for the team. I would like to thank every colleague in the Company for their endeavors in sustainable development, as well as all the stakeholders who are willing to support D-Link in materializing sustainability in everyday life.


Looking ahead, D-Link will continue to maintain a close partnership with its stakeholders and maximize its sustainable impact in a bid to achieve the vision of “Leading Smart Living and Creating Sustainable Value” with unwavering determination. We aspire to move you with everything we do and every step we take.