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Human Rights Protection
Home > Human Rights Protection
Human Rights Protection
Human Rights Assessment and Risk Mitigation Measures
D-Link is committed to safeguarding the basic human rights of employees, formulating human rights policies and management plans, creating an environment that fully protects human rights, and agreeing with and supporting international human rights such as the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact, the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Covenant, and requires that the business activities of cooperative manufacturers should also put an end to any violations and violations of human rights, so that both internal and external members of the Company can be treated with fairness and dignity. D-Link also respects diversity and anti-discrimination, abides by working hours, wages and benefits, prevents forced labor and human trafficking, prohibits illegal underage labor, respects freedom of association, pays attention to health and safety in the working environment, information security, and gives back to the society with our core competence. In addition, D-Link also announced labor rights on its official website and implemented measures to mitigate human rights risks. For the prohibition of illegal underage labor and forced labor, we strictly abide by the employment process, interview and consult the applicant’s willingness to work, and implement the verification of identity documents to prevent the risk of illegal employment; and promote labor rights through labor-management conferences, and strictly prohibit forced labor and forced overtime.
D-Link also respects the freedom of choice and exercise of occupations, and provides equal work opportunities, regardless of nationality, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marriage, age, etc. foreign and domestic employees enjoy equal employment opportunities. Foreign employees come from the United States, Italy, Brunei, Turkey, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Burkina Faso, Nicaragua, Portugal and other places, and they are guaranteed the same labor rights and interests as domestic employees. In addition, no underage labor is illegally employed in any of the global subsidiaries, and the declaration of human rights is strictly observed.
We established our “Human Rights Policy and Management Plan” on September 7th, 2021, and had it further revised and approved by the Board of Directors on November 4th, 2022. The promotion of awareness and training related to our human rights policy were conducted for all employees in December 2022. A total of 495 people participated, with a participation rate of 97%, and the average test score was 96 out of 100. D-Link enhances employees’ human rights competency and awareness through education and training. In 2023, held one human rights education course with a total of 519 participants, the total training man-hours were 295.5 hours; this includes the human rights promotion course required for new employees. In 2023, 92 people participated, and the total training hours were 46 hours.
The CEO of D-Link India Ltd., our listed Indian affiliate, has also signed the same human rights policy and management plan.

Human Rights Assessment and Risk Mitigation Measures
In the fourth quarter of 2022, D-Link initiated a human rights due diligence project to conduct risk assessments related to headquarters employees and suppliers. We mapped the items in a human rights risk matrix and developed mitigation and remediation measures for high-risk and medium-risk items.
The "D-Link 2023 Human Rights Due Diligence Report" has been completed in the second quarter of 2023. We shall regularly review the implementation status of various mitigation and remediation measures in the future, and we intend to engage in human rights due diligence every three years in principle.
Assessment Matters | Scope | DEPARTMENT | Risk Mitigation Measures |
Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor | New Employees | Human Resources Dept. |
Privacy | Employees / Customers | Legal Affairs Dept. Document Management & Information Security Dept. |
Protection of Working Conditions | Employees | Human Resources Dept. |
Right to Work | Employees | Human Resources Dept. |
Occupational Health | Employees | General Affairs & Industrial Safety Dept. |
Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Bullying, and Anti-Harassment | Employees | Human Resources Dept. General Affairs & Industrial Safety Dept. |
Occupational Safety | Employees | General Affairs & Industrial Safety Dept. |
Risk Mitigation Measures
Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor
Scope:New Employees
• The hiring process is executed in accordance with our company regulations.
• We interview applicants and inquire into their intent to work, and also require them to provide identity documents for verification.
Scope:Employees / Customers
• We cooperated closely with TrustArc Inc., an expert in the field of DPM (Data Privacy Management), and made use of their privacy assessment, certification and monitoring tool services, along with quarterly audits to ensure our management complies with statutory requirements. We have also been audited and certified by TrustArc Inc. and awarded the TRUSTe privacy certification.
• We introduced the BS 10012: 2017 PIMS (Personal Information Management System) to standardize all related procedures and applicable documents. In addition to complying with the EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), the management system also ensures that personal data has been properly identified, evaluated, and managed.