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Employee opinion survey
In addition to providing employees with a grievance venue, D-Link collected employees’ opinions through employee satisfaction and engagement surveys to create a more friendly workplace environment. The 2021 employee satisfaction and engagement survey was launched in early 2022, with a completion rate of 35.58% and a satisfaction score of 68/100; the 2022 employee satisfaction and engagement survey was launched in December 2022 and completed in January 2023. The survey was conducted anonymously and included eight aspects including supervisor, colleagues, work, salary, development, corporate culture, engagement and overall satisfaction. The survey completion rate of 71.5% and a satisfaction score of 77.2/100. The 2023 employee satisfaction and engagement survey was initiated in December 2023 and completed at the end of December 2023. The survey was conducted anonymously, covering nine aspects: supervisor, colleagues, work, salary, development, corporate culture, professionalism, sustainable operations and overall satisfaction. The completion rate was 72.1%, and a satisfaction score of 75.6/100.
Employee Well-being
The work-life balance for employees is most important to D-Link, and taking care of each employee has been our on-going commitment. We hold workplace safety and health seminars from time to time, offer regular medical examinations to monitor employees’ health, and on-site nursing staff to provide the latest health information. A fully-equipped gym with shower facilities in our office building are also free to employees for usage.
Freedom of Association
D-Link respects every employee’s right to freedom of association and the right to form a union according to law. To establish a friendly and smooth communication channel to protect the rights and interests of employees, the Company has set up a labor-management meeting, an employee welfare committee, an employee suggestion box, and an employee complaint channel (general complaints and workplace sexual harassment complaints). Since December 2022, to provide multiple channels for employees to express their ideas and suggestions, the “Appointment with Supervisors” campaign has been arranged, so that the Company can also better understand the opinions of employees, and then reach a consensus through discussions. Organized 11 sessions of “Appointment with Supervisor” events, with a total of 18 employees participating in 2023.
Protection for Female Employees
D-Link adheres to all relevant gender equality regulations for female employees. We offer private nursing rooms, maternity leave, flexible working hours (start time 8:00 to 9:30 AM, end time 5:00 to 6:30 PM), and paid family leave superior to the regulations to help female employees achieve a healthy work-life balance.
D-Link avoids gender inequality in recruitment and promotion. The percentage of female employees increased from 45.0% in the end of 2022 to 46.1%, up 1.1%. The percentage of female employees continues to grow every year, with 57.1% of senior executives being female; in the future, we will continue to increase the proportion of female supervisors to female employees to achieve substantive equality.
In 2023, 93 new employees were hired, and in terms of gender ratio distribution, the percentage of female new employees was 1% higher than that of male new employees.
In 2023, 88 new employees resigned, and in terms of gender ratio distribution, the percentage of female employees resigned was 1.2% lower than that of male employees resigned.